I continue to use the healing cards as well as Skib, and since doing so, a lot of my symptoms have decreased substantially.
It is quite something for me to say this as in recent years I have had so much trouble with various body/health related issues but especially allergy related things.
I am so very grateful.
I continue with other helpful things to help support good health as well, for example drinking one ounce shots of lemon juice, ginger and cayenne. Potent and powerful.
I have noticed that the medicines I used in the past like the antihistamines and cortisone spray work much more effectively.
Like some block has been removed.
Now not everything is 100%.
I now have some sort of swelling/pain in my left foot. Almost feels like a cyst??
Going to see the doctor about that to confirm my self diagnosis and I will deal with that accordingly.
Cheers to good health and healing!