First and second persons were family members and i was the one using the cristal on them with their permition.
On one of them i commanded the cristal to heal/lower arterial pressure and on the other i commanded the cristal to heal/lower diabetes rate.
Both the pressure and diabetes glycemia rate went up.
The third person was a friend of mine, he gave the command to himself to heal his mouth ulcer.
He reported the following to me "firstly my mouth ulcer became smaller, then it slipt in two, desapeared but came back afterwards."
I know for sure it ins't the commands since i commanded to heal/lower the arterial pressure from another different person and on her it worked just fine.

I don't think it depends on the person because one of the persons that got backwards effect also had the correct healing effect in other ocasion.
Maybe they mess with the healings by an opened door on the person?
Anyone has an idea about what it might be?