I wanted to submit my testimonial for the healing cards and protoi healing in general. I am simply amazed at the power and accuracy of the card's energy. The first night I used the cards for bacteria I immediately noticed that my typical symptoms (lack of sleep, digestive bloating, skin itching) from H Pylori and Staph infection were far less of an issue for me. Over the years I have tried every natural herbal remedy, energy healing method I was aware of and nothing helped. Since starting the protoi healing cards, my symptoms of weight gain, water retention, poor digestion and brain fog are rapidly improving each day I use the healing cards. I can now eat most anything with none of the former symptoms and my thoughts are more clear as well. I have also lost weight (yay!). I am starting to also use the cards for allergies with great improvement just today already!
Thanks so much for bringing this technology into the world!
Allergies and Bacterial Infections
Re: Allergies and Bacterial Infections
disavowed wrote: I have also lost weight (yay!).
I like this kind of side effects

Really happy our Healing Cards could help you.

All the best!

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