N wrote::-h Hi,
first of allfor your warmly welcome here!
Some questions I have and I am unsure if there were already answered elsewhere.
Are there any premises where the energy flows first if it is not specifically directed at certain locations or higher bodies?
yes, first is where is the biggest lack of energy.
Or are they always evenly distributed?
For example in my case I got a recharge of my left ear on higher levels is primarily needed amongst other things ....
Is there a kind of order where the energy flows next, likely in the next most empty energy storage (?) if a storage is fully charged or nearly fully charged?
Can I also send the energies in my surrounding -> just in the air? For instance to get more people positively influenced, although it might not be as effective as a direct load..
that makes no real sense...
Thanks in advance
Re: Question about Free Energy Download video
Re: Question about Free Energy Download video
Re: Question about Free Energy Download video
http://www.protoi-healing.org/index.php ... _the_video
As long as the screen is on (even if the brightness is set to 1%) and the video is visible
The Video has to be visible? Cant i just hide it in a different Webbrowser (Opening another Mozilla Firefox)? Or have a programm open that takes the whole screen and the video is behind it?
Can i be on another TAB?
As long as the screen is on (even if the brightness is set to 1%) and the video is visible
The Video has to be visible? Cant i just hide it in a different Webbrowser (Opening another Mozilla Firefox)? Or have a programm open that takes the whole screen and the video is behind it?
Can i be on another TAB?
Re: Question about Free Energy Download video
Ribo wrote:http://www.protoi-healing.org/index.php/The_FREE_Energy_Download#How_to_use_the_video
As long as the screen is on (even if the brightness is set to 1%) and the video is visible
The Video has to be visible? Cant i just hide it in a different Webbrowser (Opening another Mozilla Firefox)?
Or have a programm open that takes the whole screen and the video is behind it?
Can i be on another TAB?
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