Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
hi ^^ here i'll writte down everything i can remember from the times i used the free energy download video
Re: Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
the first time i used the video i was just using the default factor, then increased it a bit and commanded to download the energy on a comfortable factor to me.
Just felt some light tingling, nothing more of significance i can remember.
Just felt some light tingling, nothing more of significance i can remember.
Re: Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
after some tries i increased the energy downloading factor to 130 and made tasks to deliver it to different parts.
tinglings went from light to mild and i felt some pain on my left hand and leg after around 10 minutes but i could endure it well for 30+ minutes
tinglings went from light to mild and i felt some pain on my left hand and leg after around 10 minutes but i could endure it well for 30+ minutes
Re: Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
yesterday i didn't slipt the command in tasks nor send the energy to different parts separately, i just commanded to delivery the energy at factor 130 to all my parts and oh dear! i only lasted 8 minutes because it was quite intense, i felt the tinglings way more strongly than the other times i used factor 130, afterwards i also felt some electric shocks and it caused me some notiecable pain on left side of my body, mainly my hand, wrist and lower harm region, stronger on right head side.
already had some pains, its rare when i don't feel any pain at all.
left side pain the energy flow caused passed after some minutes i turned the video off and actualy relieved the pain i already had.
right sie head pain remained for hours.
i don't know if this huge difference on 3D impact effects its due to the way i commanded or if there's others factors involved.
lately (around January 16th) i've been feeling the cold energy on my back that i described on dropbox topic plus something i never felt before, around 4 ou 5 days ago i started feeling the tinglings i feel while using the video on my back, hand palms and also some sentation on my stomach.
i feel those randomly without using any healing tools nor giving any commands to crystals on all 3 interfaces Frank described on the energy video healing wiki topic.
not sure if it's the video usage after effects, the lastest war news cleaning or some pollution that got to me and impacts the healing i get from the video.
Not going to use factor 130 for now as i risk to end up barbecued xD
already had some pains, its rare when i don't feel any pain at all.
left side pain the energy flow caused passed after some minutes i turned the video off and actualy relieved the pain i already had.
right sie head pain remained for hours.
i don't know if this huge difference on 3D impact effects its due to the way i commanded or if there's others factors involved.
lately (around January 16th) i've been feeling the cold energy on my back that i described on dropbox topic plus something i never felt before, around 4 ou 5 days ago i started feeling the tinglings i feel while using the video on my back, hand palms and also some sentation on my stomach.
i feel those randomly without using any healing tools nor giving any commands to crystals on all 3 interfaces Frank described on the energy video healing wiki topic.
not sure if it's the video usage after effects, the lastest war news cleaning or some pollution that got to me and impacts the healing i get from the video.
Not going to use factor 130 for now as i risk to end up barbecued xD
Re: Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
Gave it one last shot some minutes ago so i could see if the results are different depending on the way i give the commands but i couldn't even finish to give commands for all tasks and it already made me feel nauseous and pressure on my chest.
Will test it all out when i am feeling better and report it.
Will test it out starting with factor 5 and augmenting slowly up to a factor that starts to give me pain then decrease it back to the factor i am comfortable with.
i Quit trying to auto cook myself
(working on not to go so fast and paying more attention to the details issue i have)
Will test it all out when i am feeling better and report it.
Will test it out starting with factor 5 and augmenting slowly up to a factor that starts to give me pain then decrease it back to the factor i am comfortable with.
i Quit trying to auto cook myself

(working on not to go so fast and paying more attention to the details issue i have)
Re: Experimenting different commands and the result of each of them
Lau wrote:yesterday i didn't slipt the command in tasks nor send the energy to different parts separately, i just commanded to delivery the energy at factor 130 to all my parts and oh dear! i only lasted 8 minutes because it was quite intense, i felt the tinglings way more strongly than the other times i used factor 130, afterwards i also felt some electric shocks and it caused me some notiecable pain on left side of my body, mainly my hand, wrist and lower harm region, stronger on right head side.
already had some pains, its rare when i don't feel any pain at all.
left side pain the energy flow caused passed after some minutes i turned the video off and actualy relieved the pain i already had.
right sie head pain remained for hours.
i don't know if this huge difference on 3D impact effects its due to the way i commanded or if there's others factors involved.
lately (around January 16th) i've been feeling the cold energy on my back that i described on dropbox topic plus something i never felt before, around 4 ou 5 days ago i started feeling the tinglings i feel while using the video on my back, hand palms and also some sentation on my stomach.
i feel those randomly without using any healing tools nor giving any commands to crystals on all 3 interfaces Frank described on the energy video healing wiki topic.
not sure if it's the video usage after effects, the lastest war news cleaning or some pollution that got to me and impacts the healing i get from the video.
Not going to use factor 130 for now as i risk to end up barbecued xD
I came in the conclusion that the commands worked backwards on myself on the experiences described previously.
Today i made different tasks to download energy to different body parts at factor 5 each part, after 6 minutes i gave a new command with no tasks, just to download energy at factor 5 and deliver to all my bodies. It worked properly the way it should.
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